Struggling to converse in Korean?
Are you afraid to talk in Korean?

Start a conversation in Korean with anyone in the world
Moderator AI

Write your awesome label here.

What is  Moderator AI ?

It is a feature that matches two language learners
and allows them to practice conversations
in the target language in a limited time.

Moderator AI will pair you up with someone
who has a similar language level and
help both of you practice conversation together.

The moderator AI acts as a moderator in the conversation, suggests topics to talk about,
and guides the conversation.

Also, the AI bot
encourages you to keep talking.

Write your awesome label here.

Moderator AI analyzes
the conversation between learners

It will make sure that both the learners are engaged actively, and give points to each according to some criteria.

It’s as fun as a game
and more effective
than any other app!

Key Steps of the Competition


Sign up to Eggbun app

The audience that wishes to participate should sign up to Eggbun app.


Apply competition via this page

You can register by providing their name, and Eggbun account(e-mail address) in the form on this page.


Get Eggbun premium

To enter the competition and access moderator AI’s feature, the participants will have to have eggbun premium subscription.
If you want to try it out risk-free, you can try for a one-week trial.


The Game start

The games will start on Monday and take place every day at specific times for the different pools. A group chat regrouping all the participants to share the announcements will be created on the Eggbun app. The last game will be held on Friday.


Announcement of the competition’s planning

According to the amount of participants, we will be able to determine the monetary value of the prize (50% of the group's total entry fee) and announce it.
We will give the tournament bracket at 8 AM through Instagram, the participant group chat, and the pop-up on the app.


Announcement of the results

The Results will be announced on Saturday through Instagram story, Pop up on the app and we will contact the winner personally through DM. We will then make an arrangement to deliver the prize (most likely via Paypal) and make an appointment for the interview.

Join the moderator AI competition

Our users already like it!

I really like how the score board has a lot of criteria and looks really neatly designed. If I had to change something, I would add more time to be able to continue the conversation!
Ita, Slovenia 
I do think that practicing conversation is important. The topics are good and I like how it is short so that if the two persons don’t know what to say anymore, it will end automatically.
Texting like this to practice conversation is a really good alternative to calling: as efficient and less scary for beginners like me!
I am trying my best to study Korean, and this helps a lot!
Matthew, Philippines
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